Saturday, April 5, 2008

starvin like Marvin for a Cool J song


established - adj. 1. brought about or set up or accepted

2. settled securely and unconditionally

I still wear my crown wether it shines bright enough for them or not. What they didn't realize is the only serious damage they did was physical damage. I got my diplomatic warfare occuring as I write this blog. Mentally its fucked me up because they are making those people I call my brothers turn their back on me, but I don't think they are turning backs on their own will. So it is not bothering me too much because I know that there are certain ones that I can still call brother. And still call me brother. I may be wrong but hey we can have beliefs.

Can't wait till Saturday. I really hope LL does his ol' school self. I will be very dissappointed if I paid to watch him take off his shirt and lick his lips. From what I hear its gunna be packed and I might see some people I know. There was a commercial about it and it made me smile.

MAN today was like story time. I had the black eye and some blood in my eye and people kept asking me what happened like they couldnt tell. Random people that I dont know kept asking me like they give a fuck. I got pissed at one point and started telling those random people that their mother likes it rough and that was why I had the black eye. People don't pay no attention to important things. In school its about the guy who says the stupidest shit, or the person who spends more time on how they look in school rather than their grades. That kinda makes me mad but then its like these people must have no life if they look at school as a fasion show. meh.

I've been neglectin my blog. I apoligize to my blog for that. I'm gunna be here more often. =]

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