genesis - n. an origin, creation, or beginning.
If I seriously try to become a rapper, the name of my first album is going to be "The Genesis" or somethin involvin that word. I have an odd list of possible careers. I want to be an NBA analyst. The guy that sits around and talk about the games. Seems like they have fun. Especially Stephen A. Smith. I admire that man. He has his own show and is featured as a commentator on ESPN and other basketball events just for his ability to talk about basketball. Especially when he has an opinion, he is very passionate about it. We also seem to agree with things, like Kobe Bryant for MVP and Dirk Nowitzki being not so good.
Another possible career would be to play in the NBA, considering you only really need a college education to get in. As long as you shine in your college years. And not everyone there is that good because not everyone can get a college education. I can go to Gun Hill Rd. in NY and find 5 dudes and have an All-Star starting five. Gun Hill Rd. around where Bam lives. Yo that park is in the NBA Street game and some And 1 mixtapes, and whenever its on I be like,"Yo I played in that park." They called me Carlos Arroyo which is the nickname I get on every court. And then I think, hmmm I've made a name for myself in a famous streetball court. I can boast. lol People also say I can be a stand-up comedian. Its funny because I love watchin stand-up but people always say that I am VERY funny. I have this great delivery, as in I could say the simplest things but I have my own funny way of saying it. I think I can get far in the stand up comedy business. Last but not least, I wanna be a lawyer. Not just a lawyer, a defense attorney. People say that I can argue about nearly anything. I can justify what Hitler did. And trust me I already have. Dont get me wrong, I dont believe what he did was right, but someone doubted I could do it, so for the sake of the moment, I justified Hitler. Like I said, Gift of gab.

In class today, we was going over the needs and wants and apparently some dude made a table for needs. One of the needs was love. I thought hmmm, Not necessarily a need. I don't need love. But they went on to say that it was like love as in a sense of belongin and not particularly relationship love, and I suppose everyone needs that. According to some researcher, growth is actually slowed if the baby doesnt recieve love as he grows. I wonder what it must be like to be to yourself. I'm like that alot of places I go, but I still have my friends and loved ones. As far as the relationship thing goes, I haven't really found a girl worth going after, as far as having a relationship with. There was one that seemed worth it, but life never goes your way. So of course, the girls I want, I aint getting, and the girls I'm getting, I don't want. But life moves on. I happen to be spending my Saturday with that particular girl I spoke of. *clears throat* meh. But its a fact. People need love in their lives. Observe.

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