Sunday, April 13, 2008

i call it "LL Cool J crush"

fun - n. something that provides mirth or amusement; enjoyment or playfulness

Last night was fun!!!!!!!!!! It ended early but I had fun, plus it was the first concert I've ever been too. Yeah, so I learned alot of things. First, your gunna sweat, so wear a white beater. Second, your gunna get stepped on, so wear kicks you don't care about. Third, wear noseplugs cuz people smell like XO. But LL was half Cool James and half pretty boy. Mostly Cool James. I loved it. Plus, I gots to chill with Amy for the first time in yearrrss, and my number one bloggie fan for the first time ever. We shall do it again. But since yesterday was one of the few times I've chilled while not being on the run, I realized maybe I should get a car. Some thing to get me around. I could care less what it looks like. Pretty soon my liscence isn't gunna be suspended anymore but I dont think my mom will lend me her car very mucho. Plus WTF? I'm bout to be 18. BIIIIGG wake up call I just had while typing. aaahhh.

So apparently I'm missing fingers because I was talking shit. Werd. XD

Man I'm crushin. It's funny cuz I call crushes like this "LL Cool J crushes". But chea. Like I sed. The girls I'm gettin, I dont want. And the girl I want, I aint gettin. Girl is singular. <=/

Man Nas is genius. I was jammin to "God Love Us" and it got to me. I was always like yeah with this song, but now I'm in love.

"God love us hood niggas, cuz next to Jesus on the cross was the crook niggas."
- Nas, God Love Us

True as hell. Church goers look at us as evil but Jesus traveled with 12 Disciple who were theives and murderers. See people don't realize that sometimes people do things because they have to. Shit I have a criminal career. But I never did it to be the cool guy on the block. I didnt do it to floss or to be the man. I did it because I was going through rough times in my life and I needed money. 90% of that money went to needs not wants. The other 10% went to cigarettes and weed to relieve stress. But my criminal career is over. I'm retired....starting.......NOW! But sssssshhhh nobody knows that. hehe

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