Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Got to be somethin' for me to write this..

Shiiiiit. Been a while since I touched this but a nigga been busy as a mahfucka on mother's day. Alot of shit been happening, but barely any of it bad. Tomorrow is my court date and I'm sure if they piss test me I'm gunna come up dirty. It takes 30 days for weed to get out your system. Bleh. Whatever, I've officially decided to stop talkin bout my weed habits on my blog. Reason being is because, well.. remember when I blogged and was talkin about emotions and controllin em? Well apparently there's a kind of book on that. It's called "The Secret" by "Some Bitch". It's supposed to be the secret to life and everything. Well apparently that secret is the law of attraction. As you know, the law of attraction states that like will only attract like. So what they are trying to get at is your thoughts will attract exactly what your thinkin about. It's like your mind is a T.V. station tower. Whatever you tune into is what your gunna get. Follow? So if all you think is positive thoughts, your only gonna get positive things. That's why when you think about certain shit, like bad feelings, they only get worse. Like that rage I was telling you about. I saw one of the guys that jumped me at my court date. He wouldn't even look me in the eye. I wanted to jump past the bailiff and fuck his ass up, but thats a whole other charge that I can't afford to catch right now. Point is, I keep thinkin about it and it only gets worse. Your mind doesn't understand negatives. For example, if you keep thinkin "I don't want these shoes to hurt" or somethin like that, the only thing that's makin it to the mind is hurting shoes. So for shit like that, it's best to just NOT think about. Think about what you WANT, not what you DON'T WANT, cuz the message won't go through. I'm sure my readers know what (who) I want. I must not be doing it right, cuz I think about her all the time. Then again, that's the only thing I been doing about it.

Well in other news, I registered to vote. I have NO FUCKING CLUE as to who Imma vote for yet so don't ask me. I'm not gonna vote for Obama just because it's what everyone else feels is right and I'm not gunna be an asshole and vote for McBitch over there. I'm gunna watch the debate when I get the chance and do my research and decide based on who I think has the best chance of steering the country back in the right direction. Cuz man this economy is fucked. I'm sittin right now at home and if my manager calls me right now I'm gunna shit my pants. My mom called and said they were firing people in my department today. Today is my day off so he has no reason to call me unless he is gunna fire me. They fired 200 people from Westgate yesterday. In ONE day. And all the big heads and well payed people got paycuts. Ain't that some shit. I don't care about Pollo Tropical but I need that Westgate job. I get benefits, perks, and it's an easy ass job.

Gettin my own place soon. VERY soon. Like 2 weeks soon. Then once I fix my shit with my liscence, Imma get me a car. In the mean time, Imma save up my money and enjoy some of it while I can. Fuck it. Just enjpy life to the fullest cuz no one knows when your lifetime is full.

At times when I'm lost I try to find you

You know to give me space when it's time to

My heart's dictionary defines you

Whatever inspires him to write stuff like this, I want it. Hopefully I don't get locked up before the concert. =[