Saturday, April 19, 2008

9th grade; I aint go to high school, i went to school high


focus - n. a central point, as of attraction, attention, or activity

Ok. I succeeded in not giving a fuck this weekend. Didn't clean like I usually do. Did't do homework lke I should do. And I didn't even go out like I planned to do. Just resting and NBA playoffs and some beer here and there. XD

I'm unbalanced and out of tune but I feel moderately great. My focus is in the direction of nothing important but at least my mind tells me "fuck it" on a regular basis. So I feel slightly better about it. It's unlike my old self when I was focused on resisting oppression and authority. Now I just ignore it. I'm focused on enjoying my remaining years because I sometimes feel like my days are numbered. People don't realize that they can go at any given second. Death doesn't announce it's presence. It just happens. So I still have that "Fuck Tommorrow" motto in mind. But there's still a little something missing. Maybe I need love like LL. It's something I'm not looking at. And speaking of focus. Look at this. It soooo pertains to my situation and it makes me laugh soooo hard.

Yes he was there the whole time. I like the message it delivers. It is one of those paradoxes, however life is filled with these amazing, mysterious wonders. I think it is my destiny to explore them. It's like I transformed from my naive self.

The playoffs turn me on. lmao. This was one of the most nail biting games I've ever seen. Plus I had some Bud Light last night so it helped out. This series is goin down to the last game. If you fast forward this vid to about 2:20 you will see the highlight in the game. Tim Duncan is a beast. Only his 28th thre pointer in his career and he sinks it to send it to double overtime. Oh my God! lol

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