schiz·o·phren·ic [skit-suh-fren-ik] - Also called dementia praecox, a severe mental disorder characterized by some, but not necessarily all, of the following features: emotional blunting, intellectual deterioration, social isolation, disorganized speech and behavior, delusions, and hallucinations.

People always ask me why they call me Skit. Pretty much everyone calls me Skit. If you call me Hector its because I don't want you to call me Skit or you are my blood family. Skit was a name given to me because of my old behavior. I was rather calm but push the right buttons and you would've thought I was a different person. It didn't necessarily mean that you had to get me mad, just the right mood and it's a new person. No, I'm not diagnosed with schizophrenia, it's just a name. Just like my brother BamBam. He is comparing hisself to the Flintstones character. Small but strong. And I didn't pick the name, it was given to me way back when.
Graffitti on subways, shootouts on somedays
Police swarmin' but we flee the scene someway
That's the New York scene from Monday to Sunday
Hold toasters for the bread cuz we don't want the "crumb" pay
People caught up trying to find the "Al Quada" (kay-duh)
What about Pac's killer, he was shot in Vegas
Fuck the mayor, debators, and all the deviators
They hate us and spend their life tryin to break us
But little do they know they are our true creators
It came from brute force and shit that they pay us
The root of evil they say is money
Here's a contradiction I find kind of funny
How come is it everytime I'm broke
The most evilest notions in my mind are provoked
And if he got a badge he think's we a joke
The beretta on his waist must be an ego stroke
Corruption can be a very dirty trait
But I wash it all up with a clean .38
A style thats unprecedented, self-invented
The gift of gab has never been better implemented
Even if I may never release a single
I'm still gunna stack my chips like pringles
Drink liquor with my crew and just mingle
Deteriate brain cells, just watch 'em dwindle
Everyone with a mic ain't an MC
Everyone with a smile ain't friendly
Intillectual rhymes but still grotesque
Quality/"Kwelity" rythm, guess that makes me most def/Mos Def

The last punch was kind of weak, but there's a method to my madness. Or a reason, whatever. I just finished watching "Be Kind, Rewind" with Jack Black and Mos Def, speak of the the devil, and it came to mind. Plus I've never used the word grotesque in any verse, so I tried. Cut me some slack. lol. It was actually a good movie and I knew it as soon as I saw the preview. Funny thing was besides us, my fams, there was some white couple. XD But if you get the chance, def see thie movie. Haven't laughed this hard since I first started watching Family Guy.
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