gang - n. a group of persons working together

In this pic: From left to right, Flame, Bam, Ferno, Weezy, Flako, and of course I. Man this pic is old but it brings back memories.
How is it that this world is at the point where it's at today? How are people this ignorant? It's come to the point where the president is an enemy. Years ago he was a hero. How is it that countries in the middle east go to war with eachother while America sits back and cry because they have no oil? No oil?!?! There's starving countries and you guy's are worried about oil?? Why is it that people say the government lies when it comes to certain things but they believe the government when it comes to others? If you ask me that's kind of hippocritical. For instance, Bush tries to condone the nation by saying Iran has weapon's of mass destruction or as he likes to say "chemical or 'nuc-u-lar' potential" and people react with "He is scared they will help Iraq." OK. So your government lies to you eh? How 'bout when your government says that gangs are deadly and they want to kill you and rob you and sell drugs? You believe that. Crips were started as a young group of boys who wanted to follow in the footsteps of the Black Panthers. Black P. Stones as well. Even when they converted to El Rukn. Jeff Fort was but a teenager but it's his youthful rebelliousness that allowed him to see the bullshit. Tookie as well. See older people can't see it because that's what they are used to. It's what they were taught and they don't know anything else. It didn't occur to them that anything was wrong because society wasn't as outspoken as it is now. But those young leaders had a vision and because they were a threat to the government, the propaganda brainwashed everybody like it always does and made us the step-child of political parties. That's right, I said us. I am an Almighty Latin King and screamin it till the world blow. But I haven't killed anyone nor am I someone people should be afraid of. A lion does not strike unless provoked. So like most kings, I do not bother anyone unless someone bothers me. Kinda sounds familiar eh?
Why did the towers get bombed? Well it goes back to the first Gulf War. Iraq invaded Kuwait and since Kuwait was the U.S.'s "allies", they stepped in. This was a U.N. decision, but mostly U.S. When asked,"Why don't we just mind our business?" the reply was,"We have interests in Kuwait." Now when you look at Kuwait and see that at the time they were holding roughly oil catch my drift now, huh? That's what Iraq was after. The problem was so was the U.S. You can almost compare this to a gang fighting another gang over drug territory because, according to the media, that's what we do. So Saddam decided to do a little drive by on the towers. He said you fuck with my money, I fuck with yours. I doubt he cared wether he killed hundreds or not. He wanted to attack the U.S.'s wallet. Hello??? World Trade Center!!!! So wether it's a gang war or a war between countries, it's still war!!! And most of the same principles apply.
So I think it's safe to say that a country itself is a well developed gang with more people, money, weapons, and war. Don't forget more war. And more killing. Waaay more killing. But this is what we get for living by Social Darwinism. Survival of the fittest, right? So when the media attacks us and says we're a gang, I don't get offended. Because we are not a gang. Just an underdeveloped country or nation. And if you wanna get technical and say that the dictionary defines us as a gang thn we might be a gang but so are the police. If you ask an officer if he's in a gang he'll say yeah. So when you call the cops, your asking a gang for help. Just like small businesses pay the mob for protection. Only difference is that according to them, it's "illegal". So this all boils down to what I was saying about the older/younger people thing. It all depends on how you was taught. If you were born and someone told you that the sky was green and that's all you know, then you will believe that the sky is green. Not only that but you will get offended if they told you that the sky was blue. Because it goes against everything you know and was taught. People aren't born with the belief of Jesus Christ, Yahveh, Allah, Buddah, or anything else in between. They are taught. So what the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation believes in isn't wrong, it was just taught to people as a negative influence on society. Propaganda people! It's blasphemy. So if you take out drugs and put in goods, all the goals and characteristics of the U.S. are similiar to "gangs". Freedom, imperialism or territory, money, religious beliefs, political, etc. So look at the definition of gang and tell me that the countries don't kill eachother because of the color of a flag or a person's skin or any of the above listed, are not gangs. Democrats and Republicans, gangs. United Nations, gang. Colonist and Indians, gangs. United States and Iraq, gangs. Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation, can be defined as gang, but I'm still going with economically underdeveloped nation. So why can't people distinguish between the little and the bigger picture? I'm still looking for an answer to that question and fight for the quest for peace, freedom, truth, and justice. My nation, ALK that is, has withstood some brutality. Physically, socially, and politically. So when you ask me my political view I simply reply,"I have none." Because what I have is a belief. A belief that one day "gangbanging" will come to an end.
This is Kyle Cease. Funny as hell. He is an inspiration because alot of people say I can do stand-up. So he's only an inspiration to me, not you. haha.
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