Friday, July 18, 2008

I've lived to see 18...thank god/allah/buddha/whoever you are..

I'm 18 and I'm at home putting my masterplan together. lol

when these seasons pass, we can breathe at last

with each of our feet swinging over seas of ash

the seed sees it's trees seize a breeze

we've received after it leaves the leaves

who needs to be mad tense; perceived as advent

since the future's bleak and past tense is absent..

your beauty must truely be an anomaly

pure philosophy, possible anemology..

illogicaly violatile thoughts swallow me-

this colossal grief causes an awful nostril bleed

fate fades; then less rays are raised

in a haze of grey shade; decades decay..

wish she would kiss me with disregard

but it's the dark which gets hearts ripped apart

even so, this demon's soul was renewed

everything erodes over time except my love for you

This piece is untitled. It was a topical match on those forums I be on. The topic was the picture. Alot of thought was actually put into this one. Made alot of 'internet thugs' give some emotional feed. So I can say that I am truely proud of this one...

1 comment:

Roxanne Ashley said...

amazing speechless skit i love you more for this one