Friday, December 5, 2008

A melancholy town where we never smile.

I have attempted to blog but I never got to finish them. Now that I look at the drafts, and thank [god] I didn't. They were all me moping about my tragic ass life. The last one was a cry for help. It didn't go through so I cried for help to the only person that seems to keep me sane. On Thanksgiving day, I was all by my lonesome. My ex who I moved in with, who I never really broke up with, left my ass on that very day. So I went on to a turkey-less Thanksgiving. Not even a family to share it with. (They were in Atlanta) I had some McDonalds and some 7-11 tacquitos. When she left, I did what I always did when I get angry. I threw shit and punched shit in my room. Then I realized that I would have to clean it up. So I walked and walked and walked and walked and walked till I ended up at my roomates job. He wasn't there so I attempted to contact Amy. I asked her for some mental support, hoping she'd respond cuz if not, I'd go crazy in solitude. She did. I told her thanks after we spoke and had my mind set on drinkin' and or smokin' my problems away. I stayed sober and called it a night. The next morning I woke up happy as can fuckin be for some odd reason. (Even though Maria left me hangin' that night for the Q- Tip concert) I began to think I was going crazy. But then I realized what had happened. I bottled up all the bullshit. I've been filling that bottle the last couple of years and pretty soon I won't be able to put the lid back on and the shit's gunna spill. It still feels like sanity has slipped from my grip and I haven't realized it yet. I digress. I've seen a light and I'm going towards it. No, not the kind like when you die. The kind that actually brightens days up. Well I can't make up exactly what it is, but I'm going towards it. I got my liscense reinstated and I've already started saving up money, so for now I'm gunna keep on keepin on. Payin off these court fees and saving up for a car. By the way, they terminated my juvenile probation. I've only got my adult probation to worry about and that's just a mail in thing. 50 bucks a month and a lil bit of community service. Life ain't lookin so bad. Alls' I wanna do is enjoys it.

Hip hop's funeral took place at the awards. Kanye sucks. So does Lil Wayne and any other fuckhead that is still out there trying to rap. I bet Nas wasn't even nominated. FTW!! I've started listening to rock. And not that Nickelback pussy shit. Rock. Where the guitarist's don't need a synthesizer to make their shit sound nice. Even rock is catching the "factory-made" virus that hip hop has caught. Anyway, metal, aggro, or just classic rock n' roll. I've grown fond of Metallica especially. Please, if you've never entered sandman, you got issues.

Interesting rock history. You know the South Park theme?

Well, the guy singing the song and playing the guitar is based off of an actual person. Les Claypool. At one point in time, Metallica's bass guitarist died and they were auditioning for a new one. Les auditioned and he didn't get the job but it wasn't because he wasn't good enough. Les has so much talent, it amazes me how not even some rockers don't know this guy. Dudes from Metallica told him that he was the best they had seen. Metallica pretty much told him that it would be a waste of his time if he was to join them. They told him that he needed to start his own band because they would just be holding him back. So he did. Hooked up with Larry LaLonde (guitar) and Tim Alexander (drums) and started Primus. Now Les wouldn't have fit with Metallica cuz they are, well, a metal band. That's aint really Les. He's like a funk metal. Man he is the shit. Peep this song. Please and I mean oh please, check out his bass guitar solo. Noone can do it like that. The vocals are pretty distinct and funky but I can dig it.

I would put the original video, but Universal Music group doesn't allow embedding on their vids. It's called "Tommy the Cat". Really good song. Very distinct sound and creative. This guy is a genius with a bass guitar.

So chea. Hip hop is dead and all we have now is the memories of when it was alive and well. Check my MySpace song. Joe Budden does a perfect job of listing all the reasons where it might of died. I'll post up the song and some nice quotables later.

Reasons why rock is easier to listen to:

1. You NEVER hear the same sound over again. Rockers play their instruments. They don't sample or steal lyrics. It's not done. Never has been. EVERY SONG IS ORIGINAL IDEAS.

2. It's ok to like any band. It's not like if you like Tupac then Biggie doesn't appeal to you. Or if you like Jay-Z then you can't listen to Nas.

3. Their isn't any negativity labeled on it. Rap has a "gangsta" label. It's sad but it does.

There's alot more, but need I list them? Naaaah. I will be blogging more often a-gain. And not about my misery.

Peace, love, and nappiness.

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