Monday, March 3, 2008


king (kĭng) n. - One that is supreme or preeminent in a particular group, category, or sphere.

Heres a couple of things I hate.

1. Assumptions. If you don't know, don't assume. Some guy got killed by a black dude in Parramore. People assume it was drug related. What the fuck?? What if that guy was on his way to kill the president and the black guy stopped him the only way he could? If that was the case, that man is a hero. A real life example. I decided to be social in my school and people asked me why I had dissappeared. So I told them SOME of the shit I did. We had an interesting conversation and today a girl asked me to point her in the direction of someone who was selling. During school? An assumption and a half right there. I told her are you assuming? She said yeah. It really pisses me off. True story. A guy, I believe in New York, started beating and robbing a girl in broad daylight in front of an entire neighborhood. There were people in their houses and they all sat and witnessed it. However, the police never came. The guy noticed this and instead of running, he continued to beat her and take more things, jewelry, etc. Finally, he got everything he wanted and left. The police never came. Now according to the article, over 200 people witnessed the event. Yet, the police never came. Why? Because everyone ASSUMED that someone else was going to call the cops. Assumption can be deadly. Facts are beautiful.

2. Gossip. People don't realize how words can hust someone. Really. Especially the ones they don't hear. Check this. Billy says he fucked Jane. Now Billy's friends in the locker room think Jane is ho, but little do they know Jane is in love with Billy and thought she could win his love with sex. (Which is very wrong by the way) But now she's a ho. Billy's friends tell everyone and word travels and now Jane realizes that she is only locker room talk to Billy. She is heart broken. But the big dangers of gossiping is that gossiping leads to assumptions. Frankie told Dave that Justin is snitching, they turn around and murk him. Frankie was jealous that Justin was getting Dave's attention and not his. Which in turn fucked with his money. Translated into "normal" life. Sally tells her big brother Jimmy that Kevin hit her. Sally is pregnant by Kevin but is lusting for another guy so she finds a way to fuck him over. Jimmy assumes and kills Kevin. Cuz I would kill a nigga too if he hit my little sister. BUT I would find out first.

3. Girls with a pricetag on them. Because if a girl can be bought...she belongs on OBT.

4. Ignorance/Arrogance. 'Nuff said. I'll harp on that later.

Just a lil bit of the shit that reely pisses me off. Don't mind me. I'm in a reely pissy mood today.

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